Chain Bridge Bancorp, Inc.

Chain Bridge Bancorp, Inc. (the "Company") is a bank holding company organized under the laws of Delaware within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended (the “BHC Act”), and is registered as such with the Federal Reserve. As a bank holding company, the Company is subject to supervision, regulation, and examination by the Federal Reserve and is required to file various reports with the Federal Reserve, including FR Y-9SP (Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Small Holding Companies).

Under the BHC Act, a bank holding company may elect to become a financial holding company and thereby engage in a broader range of financial and other activities than are permissible for traditional bank holding companies. The Company has not elected to become a financial holding company and has no immediate plans to become a financial holding company.

Chain Bridge Bank, National Association

Chain Bridge Bank, N.A. (the "Bank") is a national bank chartered under the laws of the United States and is subject to supervision, regulation, periodic examination, enforcement authority and oversight by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (the "OCC") and is required to file “Call Reports” on a quarterly basis with the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (“FFIEC”) and various other reports and additional information with the OCC. The OCC has primary supervisory and regulatory authority over the operations of the Bank. The OCC has broad enforcement powers over national banks, such as the Bank, including the power to impose fines and other civil and criminal penalties and to appoint a conservator or receiver if any of a number of conditions are met. In addition to its supervisory and regulatory oversight over banking operations, the OCC also undertakes examinations and supervision of the fiduciary activities of the Bank.

As the Bank is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the “FDIC”) and accepts FDIC-insured deposits from the public, it is subject to additional regulatory oversight by the FDIC. As a result, the Bank is subject to the FDIC’s deposit insurance requirements. The Bank’s FDIC membership is confirmed under Certificate Number 58595.

Depository institutions, including the Bank, are subject to extensive federal regulations that significantly affect their businesses and activities. Regulatory bodies have broad authority to implement standards and initiate proceedings designed to prohibit depository institutions from engaging in unsafe and unsound banking practices. The standards relate generally to operations and management, asset quality, interest rate exposure, and capital. The bank regulatory agencies are authorized to take action against institutions that fail to meet such standards.

As required for national banks, the Bank is a member of the Federal Reserve and has subscribed for stock in the Federal Reserve in an amount equal to 6% of its capital and surplus, of which 3% was paid upon becoming a member of the Federal Reserve and 3% is held in reserve and callable by the Federal Reserve.